Welcome to the ANH Health Creation Faculty

The home of innovative, cutting edge training courses for healthcare practitioners and anyone with an interest in natural health.

Available Courses


Practitioner Masterclasses

Courses for All
Practitioner Masterclasses

Courses for anyone interested in Creating Health, Naturally!


The immune biology of natural and immune escape pandemics/ epidemics - UPDATED!

12-week course


Cost: £130 GBP / $160 USD

This course covers the complex relationship between pathogens and the immune system. It explains how this interaction affects the evolution of viruses and how our immune system adapts. It also shows how communities develop immunity to fight global outbreaks, which can make viruses a regular part of the environment. Students will learn about the balance between saving lives and letting viruses survive during pandemics. Additionally, they'll understand the differences between global pandemics like COVID-19, epidemics that spread across countries, and smaller outbreaks, and how we can respond to them.

Each session will be recorded and made available to course participants to access each week and for 12 months after the end of the course.

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Create Healthy Babies, Naturally

15-week course


 Cost: £150 GBP / $190 USD

The first 500 days: preconception, fertility, healthy birth and baby's first year

Are you preparing for parenthood either now or sometime in the future? Do you want to give yourselves the best chance of conceiving and birthing a healthy baby?

Join us for an extraordinary 15-week course designed to guide you seamlessly through the miraculous journey to parenthood, from preconception through to the toddler years. The course will be led by two internationally acclaimed, expert, natural health practitioners, Dian Shepperson Mills and Zakia Mance, both of whom are steeped in years of experience in helping parents create healthy babies — and bring them into the world, naturally.

Each session will be recorded and made available to course participants to access each week and for 12 months after the end of the course.

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The Journey Home

Stepping from where you are into who you are

12-week course

Starts: Tuesday 2nd April 2024

7 pm - 8.30 pm GMT/BST | 8 pm - 9.30 pm CET | 2 pm - 3.30pm EST

Cost: £130 GBP / $160 USD

The Journey Home is a twelve-week online course designed to provide participants with an intimate knowledge of their unique and individual inner operating systems. Participants are guided on a journey of deep self-discovery, from their earliest memories to the present, and learn how their current reality is connected and directly linked to subterranean belief systems and coping strategies developed in response to traumatic and adverse experiences from the past. With compassionate curiosity, participants begin to recognise their life as a truly heroic journey and discover that they themselves hold the key to breaking free of historic patterns and behaviours to stand powerfully in the truth of who they really are. The course provides guidance, instruction, and practical application on: understanding our shadow and golden aspects, automated response systems, triggers & projection, adapted personas, forgiveness, defining our life mission and so much more!

The course is limited to 12 people to create a safe environment for you to explore your light and shadows and maximise transformation.

Each session will be recorded and made available to course participants to access each week and for 12 months after the end of the course.

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Practitioner Masterclasses


Masterclass with Dr Leo Pruimboom, hosted by Dr Robert Verkerk

Cost: £99.95 / $126 USD

Join Dr Leo Pruimboom, CPNI founder, physiologist and medical biochemist, hosted by Rob Verkerk PhD, founder of the Alliance for Natural Health, for a deep dive into the fascinating discipline of CPNI. Over 30 years since its inception, CPNI has really come of age: hard science, anchored by a core of epistemology, delivered with softer skills. You really can’t afford to miss it.

You’ll get to see health and disease through a new lens and learn how stress can produce molecular patterns that activate the immune system in a way that creates illness; how the body creates a ‘film’ of dysfunction and disease, and where to intervene to unravel it; the mechanism for why toxic thinking creates illness; how to address multiple risk factors that activate disease mechanisms and so much more. It’s medicine but not as you may have known it!

So, whether you’re a health professional, a health coach, student of either, or just someone interested in learning more about your health, the recordings from a one-off event are for you!

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Integrating functional testing into your clinical routine from the basics to the Deeper Dive

Cost: £9.95 / $12.60 USD

Join Louise Carder BSc Nutr. Med., PgDip., mNNA, CNHC Reg., IFMCP, mNAP and co-founder of Colab Services for an exclusive 1.5 hour webinar in which she considers the journey from initial integration of functional testing into a clinic routine, to development of a clinic specialism and a requirement for more in-depth testing; the deeper dive.

She considers the personalised approach to patient testing and how a streamlined/Protocol approach to testing can help moderate ’the cascade effect’. Louise also shares  case examples to demonstrate this clinical-flow approach.

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