Welcome to the ANH Health Creation Faculty!

Empowered learning through ANH International's education arm

Courses for all
Practitioner Masterclasses
The immune biology of natural and immune escape pandemics/epidemics - UPDATED!

This course aims to provide comprehensive insights into the intricate interplay between pathogens and the host immune system. It will illuminate how this interaction influences the evolutionary dynamics of viral immune evasion and the adaptive responses of the host immune system.

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Create healthy babies, naturally

This course will take participants on a 15-week journey, following chronologically from preconception-care, the gestation period, preparation for birth through hypno-birthing techniques, successful births, and raising newborns to six-months old, through to toddlers.


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Stepping from where you are into who you are

The Journey Home, Stepping from where you are into who you are, is a twelve-week online course designed to provide participants with an intimate knowledge of their unique and individual inner operating systems.




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Life Medicine – a new paradigm for multi-system health regeneration

This course is about the ‘medicine’ required for healthful, long lives and will show students how we can co-create and regenerate health by working with multiple systems as well as more closely with nature. The course begins by unpacking a state-of-the-science understanding of what ‘life’ is, including theories as to its most likely origins and its interdependence with the biotic and abiotic world. It will then move on to consider a refreshing view of humanity and its often neglected interdependence with nature. Using the multiple lenses of systems and evolutionary biology, ecology, epigenetics and energetic science, the course identifies the multiple systems that need to be in balance in order that optimum health and resilience are achieved, while identifying markers that allow the evaluation of each system’s function.

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Coming Soon! Reset, Re-Tune and Re-Ignite Your Metabolic Pathways

You’ll learn how you can reset your metabolism and health by changing the way you eat and think and feel and love, share and experience with others.

Whilst the course is underpinned by the fundamental prerequisite of metabolic flexibility, it’s so much more than just another diet programme because the health of our metabolic fire has far-reaching effects for every system in the body — for our energy levels, our ability to think clearly and also our emotional balance. Weight management is a natural consequence of metabolic balance. Where this balance has been lost, restoring metabolic flexibility and putting our signalling systems and nutrient-sensing pathways back on course again, as evolution intended, is the only sustainable way of managing weight.

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Masterclass with Dr Leo Pruimboom, hosted by Dr Robert Verkerk

Join Dr Leo Pruimboom, CPNI founder, physiologist and medical biochemist, hosted by Rob Verkerk PhD, founder of the Alliance for Natural Health, for a deep dive into the fascinating discipline of CPNI. Over 30 years since its inception, CPNI has really come of age: hard science, anchored by a core of epistemology, delivered with softer skills. You really can’t afford to miss it.

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Masterclass: Integrating functional test into your clinical routine

In this webinar, functional nutritionist, Louise Carder, will consider the journey from initial integration of functional testing into a clinic routine, to development of a clinic specialism and a requirement for more in-depth testing; the deeper dive. We will consider the personalised approach to patient testing and how a streamlined/Protocol approach to testing can help moderate ’the cascade effect’. A couple of case examples will be utilised to exemplify this clinical-flow approach.

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Masterclass: Nutrition and Cancer, Assessment and Choices

Cancer specialist, Patricia Peat, looks at developing nutritional strategies for supporting cancer patients, the underlying research and how to apply them in practice.





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Masterclass: Safe hormone replacement and changing the game in breast cancer risk

This Masterclass is packed full of clinical pearls to help practitioners gain a deeper understanding of the hormonal changes that affect both men and women as they age along with the use of BHRT, the risks associated with traditional HRT, the different types of oestrogen and their effects along with the role played by progesterone. He also discussed his pioneering use of thermography to show and monitor changes in breast health along with the extremely positive results he's had using nutraceuticals to support breast health to reverse such changes.

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